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Recruitment Rules of Teachers

SLTST 2020:

Related G.O.s:

Recruitment on Vacancy casued by Leave / Deputation:

Recruitment of AHM:

Recruitment of Teaching & Non-teaching staff is going on through Regional Level Selection Test (SLST / RLST) taken by West Bengal School Service Commission & State Level Selection Test (SLST) taken by West Bengal Madrasah Service Commission according to...

West Bengal School Service Commission

The West Bengal School Service Commission Act, 1997 (West Bengal Act IV 1997) enacted by Notification No. 936-L dated 1.4.1997 came into force with effect from 01.11.1997 for the purpose of recruitment of Assistant Teacher and Headmaster / Headmistress in recognized Non-Government aided Schools in West Bengal and presently the recruitment processes are guided by the West Bengal School Service Commission (Selection of Persons for Appointment to the Post of Teacher) Rules, 2007. The State Government later on decided that the Non-Teaching Staff in the posts of Librarian, Clerk and Group-D Staff including Laboratory Attendant, Peon, Night Guard, Matron in recognized Non-Government aided Schools in West Bengal should also be recruited through School Service Commission, and accordingly necessary amendments have been introduced in the said Act, vide the West Bengal School Service Commission (Amendment) Act, 2008 (West Ben. Act IV of 2008) and such selection process be guided by the West Bengal School Service Commission (Selection of Persons for Appointment to the Post of Non-Teaching Staff) Rules, 2009.

West Bengal Madrasah Service Commission

The West Bengal Madrasah Service Commission Act, 2008 (West Bengal Act XXV of 2008) enacted by Notification No. 1605L, dated 22.10.2008 came into force with effect from 22.10.2008 for the purpose of recruitment of Teachers including Headmasters / Headmistresses of recognised non-Government aided Jr. High / High / Higher Secondary and Senior Madrasahs in West Bengal. Afterwards the recruitment of non-teaching staff including Librarians has been entrusted with the Commission by ammenment of the Act. The West Bengal Madrasah Service Commission selects persons for appointment to the Teachers and will soon select non-teaching staff in Madrasahs in West Bengal. A Teacher under the Act means as Assistant Teacher or any other person holding a teaching post in a madrasah recognised as such by the Board of the Council, as the case may be, and includes the Headmaster / Headmistress / Superintendent , but shall not include the Assistant Headmaster or Assistant Headmistress or the teacher holding a post against short term vacancy caused by deputation, leave or lien.